As a family-owned business, we are comitted to the environment for present and future generations. Therefore, we act sustainable in everyday details as well as in major projects, implementing sustainable concepts and supporting socially responsible projects.

Renewable energy is a topic which we thought of long ago. Since we enjoy about 2.560 sunny hours per year here in Bad Dürkheim, we decided to install a photovoltaics system of 971m² on the company building‘ roof in 2009. in 2011, we extended the system by 1.280m² . The large photovoltaics system produces about 270kWh per year. This allows us to meet our entire electricity demand internally and save approximately 186.300 kg of CO2 per year.

Outdoor area
In spring of 2019, our outdoor area was completly redesigned and completely replanted. We trusted experts for the selection of the plants and paid particularly attention to insect-friendly flowers, shrubs and perennials, to ensure that our native insect diversity have food until late autumn. The perserving of insects, especially bees and bumblebees, are of imense importance for the viticulture and other agricultural fields here in the palatinate region.

Water treatment plant
Water is one of the precioust ressources, because it is essential for every living being. To reduce our water consumption, we installed a water treatment plant on our premises. With this we can treat waste water and reuse it in pour cleaning station for the machines. Therefore, we can clean our machines with a clear conscience before delivering them to our customers.

Pellet heating system
For heating our production halls, we use a pellet heating system. The environmental friendly alternative saves CO2. Burning wood pellets hardly produces more CO2 than by natural decomposation, making this type of heating almost CO2-neutral. The remaining ashes can be harmlessly discarded in the ordinary household waste. Regularly maintenance of the system continuously ensures a sustainable and flawless way of heating.

Social commitment
It is our special concern to support and empower people. As employer, we pay attention to work conditions, a pleasant working environment and supportive atmosphere. But „people need perspectives and we want to create them“ – not only as employer through traineeships, further education or employemnet. Therefore,we are also passionately and actively involved in charitable causes and support people in need outside the company. Additionally, we support specifically projects at researching and educational institutes, as innovation and progress are closely linked to education and research.

Since we source our resources from across Europe, it is crucial that we act strategically to reduce transportation routes and CO2 emissions. We consolidate transportation routes both to our customers snd from our suppliers to our location and keep the distances as short as possible.

Longevity of our machines
Sustanability also means to produce sustainable products: Our machines are of longevity, high-quality and solid construction. Made of stainless steel and with constantly available spare parts, our machines and plant systems are in use for several decades, thus conserving resources and protecting th environment. Since the stainless steel surfaces are easy to clean, water consumption is also reduced. By refurbishing older models, we are capable of reintroducing used machines back into the cycle.